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Effective, warm, non-judgmental treatment

Treatment for Depression, Trauma and Anxiety

Effective, warm, non-judgmental treatment

We are here for you

Effective, warm, non-judgmental treatment

About us

At EB Psychotherapy, we are a unique blend of culturally sensitive and highly trained therapists. We believe that you can achieve rich and meaningful lives, and reach your potential with non-judgmental and compassionate, evidence-based therapy. We understand you and we are here for you in person, by phone or online.

At moments of crisis, staying connected with strong resources is the shortest path to building resilience. Stay strong and connect with us!

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According to the experts at EXIS, dealing with social anxiety can be really tough. Just thinking about certain social situations might make you feel nervous, worried, or even scared.

Children need to feel secure and understand their place in the world. If a child feels too powerful or is not taught to control their impulses, they may develop an unrealistic sense of entitlement.

To achieve better outcomes in life, the first step is to embrace reality as it is. Simply put, we need to have the most accurate view of the world around us. If our understanding is flawed, we might take actions that don’t work or even make things worse, leading to less-than-ideal results.

Time management is all about setting priorities. The key point is that time management isn’t about packing your schedule to the brim. There are still only twenty-four hours in a day.